Practice For Sale

  • AU$30000.00
  • 0 Hits
  • Since 23-12-24
  • Posted by Paul Haas
  • Knox


Private Practice for Sale in the Suburb of Rowville - South East Melbourne

This is one of a group of practices under the one entity of which the principal has decided to sell one location due to turning 50 and wanting to reduce workload.

Clinic will come with a fully fitted out clinic, 12 years of database and located in a large medical centre/group with 20+ GP's on site, specialists, radiology, allied health etc.

Clinic lease expires in October 2028 and possibly the incoming tenant could negotiate a new lease with the landlord, who is also the medical director of the GP clinic.

The Physiotherapy Clinic is 136 sq, 4 treatment rooms/areas, fully equipped gyms and excellent mountain views.

GP clinic invites physiotherapists weekly to their meetings and it is a very engaging and collaborative service.

The principal is looking for effectively a nominal fee for plant and equipment and a 12 year old list for around $30000 only. No real goodwill value being requested.

Turnover last financial year was over $440000 and with a motivated team/group this clinic has the ability to scale.

While the new potential owner will have patients immediately to take over, it is likely most of the physiotherapists will relocate to one of the other practices which is 12+ km's away. Hence for the removal of goodwill value. 

Upon EOI we will supply an NDA then financials, lease details etc.

EOI are to be sent to [email protected] and please attention to Paul Haas & Eric Dunn.


1101 Wellington Road, Rowville.
